Good Shepherd Honolulu

joining with Jesus to redeem and renew the world

We are compelled by the love of Christ to share His mercy and the Good News about life with Jesus.”

About Us

Aloha. The Lord be with you. We are Good Shepherd Honolulu. We are a unique and special group of followers of Jesus Christ. We are just ordinary people who follow a good shepherd – Jesus. We are joined together in Christ as a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We are evangelical, sacramental and Spirit-led in our approach to doing life together. As a family, our church, preschool, and ministries are compelled by the love of Christ to share His mercy and the Good News about life with Jesus. Together, we simply join with Jesus to redeem and renew the world. Together, we share God’s grace with all children, young and old. We are ready to help you find life under the Son. With Jesus. Simply joining with Jesus.

Join Us

Sundays at 9 am

Worship Service
Kid’s Church

watch us on facebook or youtube


We are where East meets West in Liliha. It is an old and historic part of Honolulu. A neighborhood of immigrants that have come together to make Hawaii. A true example of what a melting pot is.